Welcome to Helvetica
Sunday, 29 August 2010 @ 15:13

I can't remember whe I saw this image originally, although I think it may have been late at night, because I remember it being more side-splitting at the time. But regardless, I still think it's a clever little play on perceptions of cooleness, and it's something that many friends are quilty of (sepia tone photos? loma cameras? arbitrary angles?) I'm guilty of that last one myself, but nonetheless, the desire to produce edgy (read, poorly developed) photos remains a hobby horse of the bored moddle class youths of the UK.As for Helvetica, well, it's every trendy kid's fav. Afterall, Wes Anderson, name drop of those who can only bring themselves to enjoy indie cinema in its most mainstream form, refuses to use anything but Helvetica and Futura for the typography in his films. I should add I think Wes Anderson has produced some excellent films, but jesus generic 19 year-old from Hampstead, shut the fuck up about how he totally 'got' India like you did on your gap year. Props to my girlfriend who knows more about India than any of you, but whose extent of pretentious asides extends only as far as a rather frightening anecdote about 3rd degree sunburn in Goa. Go Danna. Anyway, the point is I thought I would have a go and make some of my own. Of course, the first issue was finding some bad photographs. I'm so immensely talented behind the lens that I normally have to physically exert myself to do anything even sub-amazing, so the rooting around in folders took a while. I think I came up with a few though. Enjoy. In order to vintage them, I took a rather cheats root, and just screwed the colourbalance / levels, so they don't look perfect. But so what, it's my blog, and it would be pretty meanspirited of you to ask for better. These ones have a slightly modern twist too, paticuarly the distorted text in the last one. Turrah.

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"The circle of human knowledge, illuminated by the pale, cold light of reason, is so infinitesimally small, the dark regions of human ignorance which lie beyond that luminous ring so immeasurably vast, that imagination is feign to step up to the borderline and send the warm, richly colored beams of her fairy lantern streaming out into the darkness ; and so, peering into the gloom, she is apt to mistake the shadowy reflections of her own figure for real beings moving in the abyss.

Sir James George FrazerThe Golden Bough
The title of this blog comes from a poem by Coleridge, A Wish: Wriiten in Jesus Wood, Feb. 10th, 1792, Plus most blogs are moans anyway. Including this one. lol manuscripts

I'm a 23 year-old student in London Cambridge London, studying English Literature Law. It's hard to really think of anything truly personal I can put here that might give you some idea of who I am, so I will just tell you that my favourite Shakespeare play is Richard II, my favourite chocolate bar is Snickers, and I have a bit of a thing for instant coffee, especially if someone else makes it for me.

I'm interested in Renaissance Literature, Higher Education policy, and libraries.
I'm completely in love with a Scottish girl.