Wednesday, 16 June 2010 @ 14:28
No, I jest, it was actually quite good weather. Ok, it was no Maldivian paradise, but the Maldives doesn't have sweeping glacial valleys either. Or any elevation at all come to think of it. Spent just a day up there with the long drive up and down on either side, and enjoyed it very much. I don't think I can get in a car again for another few years without my back delaminating and simply splitting all the way down. Also have found after listening to Radio 1 for some 9 hours non-stop on the way back down to Reading (via London) that with the exception of Scott Mills' banter, it includes some of the worst music, coupled with the worst playlisting, ever known to man. Who knew that a bad song ought not to be played once, but multiple times.Anyway, here are some quick pics from fb. I realise we are wearing the same hoody in the bottom two photos. That is because we are excellent. Also (as I have excitedly told everyone) the picture of the over-zealous glasshouse is the world's largest palm house (as in palm trees are kept inside, not mystic megs or the mutilated hands) in Edinburgh's free, and very excellent, botanical gardens.
Sir James George FrazerThe Golden Bough
April 2010 / May 2010 / June 2010 / July 2010 / August 2010 / September 2010 / February 2011 / April 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 /
おくりびと / HEY / A long time coming / Don't get excited. / Laurels / ואלס עם באשיר / Misc. stuff / Just to say. / Danny / Jude / Shakespeare exam /
おくりびと / HEY / A long time coming / Don't get excited. / Laurels / ואלס עם באשיר / Misc. stuff / Just to say. / Danny / Jude / Shakespeare exam /
The title of this blog comes from a poem by Coleridge, A Wish: Wriiten in Jesus Wood, Feb. 10th, 1792, Plus most blogs are moans anyway. Including this one.
lol manuscripts

I'm a 23 year-old student in London Cambridge London, studying English Literature Law. It's hard to really think of anything truly personal
I can put here that might give you some idea of who I am, so I will just tell you that my favourite Shakespeare play is Richard II, my favourite chocolate bar is Snickers, and I have a bit of a thing for instant coffee, especially if someone else makes it for me.
I'm interested in Renaissance Literature, Higher Education policy, and libraries.
I'm completely in love with a Scottish girl.