Fine by me. Or just fine me. Go on, fine me.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010 @ 08:08
I have a £12 library fine. And what for? For forgetting to bring in a DVD I borrowed over the weekend. I think it is totally unfair to charge me £12 for handing in something one day late. Especially when the majority of the fine happened in a time when I couldn't even return the thing if I wanted to (which I did). I just had to watch the money trickle away...who even wants to watch the BBC adaptation of Henry VIII?No one.
I know this is ranty, but seriously, I could have bought the DVD for that. Or enough food to last me a few days. And now I have nothing. Might meet my Dad today though, maybe he will give me some lunch or something. I feel so poor. :~(
Labels: anger
Sir James George FrazerThe Golden Bough
April 2010 / May 2010 / June 2010 / July 2010 / August 2010 / September 2010 / February 2011 / April 2011 / August 2011 / September 2011 /
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Revision is swell / First post /
The title of this blog comes from a poem by Coleridge, A Wish: Wriiten in Jesus Wood, Feb. 10th, 1792, Plus most blogs are moans anyway. Including this one.
lol manuscripts
I'm a 23 year-old student in London Cambridge London, studying English Literature Law. It's hard to really think of anything truly personal
I can put here that might give you some idea of who I am, so I will just tell you that my favourite Shakespeare play is Richard II, my favourite chocolate bar is Snickers, and I have a bit of a thing for instant coffee, especially if someone else makes it for me.
I'm interested in Renaissance Literature, Higher Education policy, and libraries.
I'm completely in love with a Scottish girl.